
Archives of Infectious Diseases & Therapy(AIDT)

ISSN: 2577-8455 | DOI: 10.33140/AIDT

Impact Factor: 1.385

Use of the MLST Technique to Describe the Allelic Profile of Treponema Pallidum in CSF Samples: A Systematic Review


Isabelle de Carvalho Rangel, Beatriz Pereira de Azevedo, Marcia Quinhones Pires Lopes, Mariana Munhoz Rodrigues, Ricardo de Souza Carvalho, Fernando Raphael de Almeida Ferry

Isabelle de Carvalho Rangel, Beatriz Pereira de Azevedo, Marcia Quinhones Pires Lopes, Mariana Munhoz Rodrigues, Ricardo de Souza Carvalho, Fernando Raphael de Almeida Ferry. (2022). Use of the MLST Technique to Describe the Allelic Profile of Treponema Pallidum in CSF Samples: A Systematic Review. Archives of Infect Diseases & Therapy, 6(2),169-173.

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