
Biomedical Science and Clinical Research(BSCR)

ISSN: 2835-7914 | DOI: 10.33140/BSCR

Impact Factor: 1.7

The Use of Damage Control Orthopedics Strategy in the Treatment of Severe Gunshot Wounds of the Limbs


Andriy Domanskiy, Valerii Tomilin, Mykyta Tomilin

Domanskyi, A., Tomilin, V., & Tomilin, M. (2023). The Use of Ă?¢??Damage Control OrthopedicsĂ?¢?Ă? Strategy in the Treatment of Severe Gunshot Wounds of the Limbs. Biomed Sci Clin Res, 2(2), 194-198.

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