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The Effects of Transcutaneous Aurıcular Vagus Stımulatıon on Sustaıned Attentıon and Depressıon in Indıvıduals Who Are Lıkely to Have Adhd
Ridvan Yildiz, Ali Veysel O Zden, Onur SeCgin Ni Sanci and Bedriye Cansu Demirkiran
Yildiz, R., Ã???zden, A. V., Ni?anc?, O. S., Demirkiran, B. C. (2024). The Effects of Transcutaneous Aur?cular Vagus St?mulat?on on Susta?ned Attent?on and Depress?on in Ind?v?duals Who Are L?kely to Have Adhd. Biomed Sci Clin Res, 3(2), 01-08.