
Biomedical Science and Clinical Research(BSCR)

ISSN: 2835-7914 | DOI: 10.33140/BSCR

Impact Factor: 1.72*

The Effects of Transcutaneous Aurıcular Vagus Stımulatıon on Sustaıned Attentıon and Depressıon in Indıvıduals Who Are Lıkely to Have Adhd


Ridvan Yildiz, Ali Veysel O Zden, Onur SeCgin Ni Sanci and Bedriye Cansu Demirkiran

Yildiz, R., �??zden, A. V., Ni?anc?, O. S., Demirkiran, B. C. (2024). The Effects of Transcutaneous Aur?cular Vagus St?mulat?on on Susta?ned Attent?on and Depress?on in Ind?v?duals Who Are L?kely to Have Adhd. Biomed Sci Clin Res, 3(2), 01-08.

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