
Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography(JMSRO)

ISSN: 2642-9020 | DOI: 10.33140/JMSRO

Impact Factor: 1.8

The Best of Hilsa Rearing in Marine-Cages, Else with the Global Rainfall Model Namely, Hhhfarm in a Very Long Runs to Coastal Zones as Well, Facilitating Hilsa and Every Other Marine Species


Debabrata Das, Aranya Das, Prakriti Das, Santa Ana Das and Rajendra Nath Das

Das, D., Das, A., Das, P., Das, S. A., Das, R. A. (2023). The Best of Hilsa Rearing in Marine-Cages, Else with the Global Rainfall Model Namely, �??Hhhfarm�?� in a Very Long Runs to Coastal Zones as Well, Facilitating Hilsa and Every other Marine Species. J Mari Scie Res Ocean, 6(4), 155-162.

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