
Advancement in Dairy Science Research(ADSR)

Production of Polyclonal Antibodies (IgY) Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Serotype: O, A and Sat-2) in Ethiopia by Using Layer Hens


Ephrem Shimelis, Shimels Tesfaye, Fanos Tadesse, Tsion Bilata and Jan Paeshuyse

Ephrem, S., Tesfaye, S., Tadesse, F., Bilata, T., Paeshuyse, J. (2023). Production of Polyclonal Antibodies (IgY) Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Serotype: O, A and Sat-2) in Ethiopia by Using Layer Hens. Adv Dairy Sci Res, 1(1), 23-29.

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