
Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography(JMSRO)

ISSN: 2642-9020 | DOI: 10.33140/JMSRO

Impact Factor: 1.8

Occurrence of Salmonella Species in Local and Commercial Chickens Slaughtered at Samaru and Sabongari Live Bird Markets, Kaduna State


Saaondo James Ashar, Anthony Oche Ameh, Jibril Adamu and Jacob Kwaga Paghi Kwaga

Ashar, S. J., Ameh, A. O., Adamu, J., Kwaga, J. K. P. (2023). Occurrence of Salmonella Species in Local and Commercial Chickens Slaughtered at Samaru and Sabongari Live Bird Markets, Kaduna State. J Mari Scie Res Ocean, 6(6), 197-218.

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