
International Journal of Clinical and Medical Education Research(IJCMER)

ISSN: 2832-7705 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCMER

Impact Factor: 1.76

Knowledge of Body Mechanics Techniques and Associated Factors among Nurses Working in East Shewa Zone Public Hospitals, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, 2022


Bekar Adem Tuturo, Mohammed kasim Tuni, Mohammed Abdella Omer and Milka Medhale

Tuturo, B. A., Tuni, M. K., Omer, M. A., Medhale, M. (2023). Knowledge of Body Mechanics Techniques and Associated Factors among Nurses Working in East Shewa Zone Public Hospitals, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, 2022. Int J Clin Med Edu Res, 2(9), 254-263.

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