
Journal of Gynecology & Reproductive Medicine(JGRM)

ISSN: 2576-2842 | DOI: 10.33140/JGRM

Impact Factor: 1.247

Investigating Knowledge Level, Awareness, Risk Factors and Preventive practices of Patients Regarding Ckd in Northern Ghana


Nicholas Yakubu Danzima, Maliche Hawa, Alhassan Basour Adam, Vivian Kapio ABEM and Adul-Rahaman Abdul-Kadiri

Danzima, Y. N., Hawa, M., Adam, B. A., ABEM V., K., Kadiri, A. R. A., (2023). Prenatal Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Fetal Cardiac Tumors. J Gynecol Reprod Med, 7(2): 42-55.

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