
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Implementation of A Telephone Triage System for Management Of Acute Nasal Fracture in Response to The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic


Haran Devakumar, Bhavesh V Tailor, Dana Low, Sarah Moin, Dimitrios Ioannidis

Haran Devakumar, Bhavesh V Tailor, Dana Low, Sarah Moin, Dimitrios Ioannidis,(2022). Implementation of A Telephone Triage System for Management Of Acute Nasal Fracture in Response to The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, J Nur Healthcare, 2022, 7(4), 35-38.

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