
Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture Research(JAHR)

ISSN: 2643-671X | DOI: 10.33140/JAHR

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Impact of pre-enrichment broth on recovery of S. typhimurium and reformed water activity on dominance and endurance of Salmonella in Indian sweetmeat milk (doodh) peda


Mohankumari Honganoor Puttananjaiah and Prema Vishwanath

Puttananjaiah MKH, Vishwanath P. (2023). Impact of pre-enrichment broth on recovery of S. typhimurium and reformed water activity on dominance and endurance of Salmonella in Indian sweetmeat milk (doodh) peda, J Agri Horti Res, 6(1), 163-168.

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