
Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research(JCTCSR)

ISSN: 2836-8495 | DOI: 10.33140/JCTCSR

Impact Factor: 0.98*

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Change Mitigation: Opportunities and Challenges for Public Health


Angyiba Serge Andigema, Ngnotouom Ngnokam Tania Cyrielle, Mafo Kamga Lethicia Danaëlle and Ewane Ekwelle

Andigema, A. S., Cyrielle, N. N. T., Danaëlle, M. K. L., Ekwelle, E. (2024). Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Change Mitigation: Opportunities and Challenges for Public Health. J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res, 3(2), 01-05.

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