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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Patients Position Change during the Withdrawal Phase of Colonoscopy from Left Lateral Decubitus to Supine Position on Increasing Adenoma Detection Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Abdolreza Emami, Javad Shokri Shirvani, Saman Alhooei, Akramasadat Hosseini, and Hemmat Gholinia Ahangar
Emami, A., Shirvani, J. S., Alhooei, S., Hosseini, A., Ahangar, H. G. (2023). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Patientā??s Position Change during the Withdrawal Phase of Colonoscopy from Left Lateral Decubitus to Supine Position on Increasing Ade-noma Detection Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Gastro & Digestive Systems, 7(1), 13-18.