
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research(JGEBR)

ISSN: 2690-912X | DOI: 10.33140/JGEBR

Evaluation of the Adaptability of Cassava Genotypes in Three Different Agro ecological Zones of Gabon


Branly Wilfrid EFFA EFFA, Rostand ABAGA MOTO, Yves Landry ZEH NGUEMA, Anacle IFADA, Dick Sadler DEMIKOYO KANGHOU, Stephane MIBEMU GUIBINGA, Sidoine AKOUBOU and Louis Clotaire NGOUANG

EFFA EFFA, B. W., ABAGA MOTO, R., ZEH NGUEMA, Y. L., IFADA, A., DEMIKOYO KANGHOU, D. S., et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Adaptability of Cassava Genotypes in Three Different Agro ecological Zones of Gabon. J Gene Engg Bio Res, 6(2), 01-08.

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