
Biomedical Science and Clinical Research(BSCR)

ISSN: 2835-7914 | DOI: 10.33140/BSCR

Impact Factor: 1.7

Efficacy of Enviroglobe and Geomat in Combating the Deleterious Effect of Electromagnetic Fields and Geopathic Stress on Sleep


Nikhil Modi, Rinku Dahiya, Mansi Jain, Sunita Rana and Pranav Poddar

Modi, N., Dahiya, R., Jain, M., Rana, S., Poddar, P. (2023). Efficacy of Enviroglobe and Geomat in Combating the Deleterious Effect of Electromagnetic Fields and Geopathic Stress on Sleep. Biomed Sci Clin Res, 2(3), 335-340.

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