
Archives of Clinical and Medical Microbiology(ACMMJ)

ISSN: 2835-9968 | DOI: 10.33140/ACMMJ

Impact Factor: 1.0

Biocontrol Potential of Ocimum Gratissimum on Some Fungal Isolates from Arachias Hypogea


J.C. Ogbu, P.C Nwosu, L.O. Okwute, C.J. Anucha and S. Abubakar

Ogbu, J. C., Nwosu, P. C., Okwute, L. O., Anucha, C. J., Abubakar, S. (2024). Biocontrol Potential of Ocimum Gratissimum on Some Fungal Isolates from Arachias Hypogea. Archives Clin Med Microbiol, 3(2), 01-04.

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