
Journal of Clinical, Medical, and Diagnostic Research(JCMDR)

ISSN: 3065-9817 | DOI: 10.33140/JCMDR

Bacterial Isolation and Identification from Bovine Mastitis and Their Pattern of Anti-Microbial Susceptibility Test in Selected Districts of North Shoa and Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne, Central Ethiopia


Tesfaye Belachew and Dereje Fufa

Belachew, T., Fufa, D. (2024). Bacterial Isolation and Identification from Bovine Mastitis and Their Pattern of Anti-Mi-crobial Susceptibility Test in Selected Districts of North Shoa and Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne, Central Ethiopia. J of Cli Med Dia Research, 2(1), 01-09.

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