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Applying Multiple Regression Analysis and Linear Elastic Glucose Theory to Analyze and Compare the Predicted Postprandial Plasma Glucose Using Carbs/Sugar Intake Amount and Post-Meal Walking Steps as Inputs over an Approximate 2-Year COVID-19 Quarantine Period from a type 2 Diabetes Patient Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 543)
Gerald C Hsu
Gerald C Hsu (2021) Applying Multiple Regression Analysis and Linear Elastic Glucose Theory to Analyze and Compare the Predicted Postprandial Plasma Glucose Using Carbs/Sugar Intake Amount and Post-Meal Walking Steps as Inputs over an Approximate 2-Year COVID-19 Quarantine Period from a type 2 Diabetes Patient Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 543). J App Mat Sci & Engg Res, 5(4), 1-6.