
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments)


A. Papash, M. Brosi, P. Schreiber, T. Boltz, N. Smale, A.S. Müller, R. Ruprecht, M Schuh

A. Papash, M. Brosi, P. Schreiber, T. Boltz, N. Smale, et al. (2021). Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments). Adv Theo Comp Phy, 4(2), 148-178.

Abstract PDF