
World Journal of Radiology and Imaging(WJRI)

ISSN: 2835-2440 | DOI: 10.33140/WJRI

A Rare Case of Partial Uterine Perforation With Transcient Herniation of Bowel Loops Into It


Saranya R, Rekha Agrawal, Sonjjay Pande, Avadhesh Pratap Singh Kushwah and Vishal S Rathore

Saranya, R., Agrawal, R., Pande, S., Singh Kushwah, A. P., Rathore, V. S. (2024). A Rare Case of Partial Uterine Perforation With Transcient Herniation of Bowel Loops Into It. World J Radiolo Img, 2(1), 01-02.
